User-centered design project
User testing

User tests for the ARUP’s the first prototypes of the Pedestrian Wayfinding Signage System in Hong Kong

Clive NG , Brian Kwok
Information Design Lab (IDL)

Project objectives

The aim of the project is to collect and examine the Hong Kong users’ feedbacks towards the first prototypes of the pedestrian wayfinding signage system (the prototype) developed jointly by the ARUP Group Limited and the UK design firm Maynard . This project is an attempt to identify the existing problems of the prototype through a series of user tests with intended users. In one and a half months, the team is endeavouring to uncover any other design defects or dysfunctions from the prototypes in order to recommend the responding design improvements in terms of legibility, usability and accessibility.

Information Design Lab (IDL)

IDL is dedicated to investigating what makes the design of information accessible and easy to understand. The IDL’s primary focus is on the processes influencing how people recognise, make sense of, process, remember and learn various types of information. IDL adopts user- centered research methods to ensure that solutions are accessible, usable, understandable, as well as attractive for the intended users.

Prototype and User tests

IDL will take the lead to do user tests for the first prototype. The whole process of user tests will adopt task-based approach, card sorting and think aloud in which users are required to perform intended tasks in order to achieve the goals with the information presented from the prototype. The whole process of user tests will be video-recorded and time-checking measured for subsequent analysis. In addition to user test, follow-up questions will be conducted individually so as to further understand the user’s frustrations to the design.


Are the point sizes of the texts (e.g. street’s name, landmark’s name, facilitates) on the area map are adequate to be seen and easy to find? 

Colour contrast

Is the red on the map appropriate colour to be used for highlighting key information. If not, what alternative colour or colour hue or colour value can be recommended from the test?

Information hierarchy

Which information should be prioritized and presented on the area map in response to the user’s expectations and needs during information searching?


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User Tests Presentation.pdf